TEL: (+1) 304 233 0050 | AREA: EMEA | NCSA | JAPAC


IMI Fabi's goal is to provide top quality talc products together with a provocative customer support. Nowadays our customers have to meet specifications increasingly demanding. As IMI Fabi Talc is a key ingredient in many industrial applications.

Mineral producers have to be part of product development procedures at the polymer compound manufacturer or any area of applications like paint, ceramics, etc.

imi fabi supports customer needs

To follow the fast evolution in the usage of talc, a direct support to our Customers is provided to identify the best product or evaluate new possible solutions. IMI Fabi helps the users to optimize their current application, supporting in understanding how to find best process conditions.

Mineral specifications have significant impact on our customers product performance. 

IMI Fabi offers a close cooperation and partnership with our customers. In other words, we want to work with our customers to meet their goals.

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The IMI Fabi Group is comprised of the following companies: