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National Mine's Day 2017

The ninth edition of the National Mines’ Day is scheduled for the 26 and 27 May 2017; sponsored this year by the Institute for the Environmental Research (ISPRA) and promoted by the Eco-Museum of Valmalenco and the Italian-Swiss Association for Piuro excavations  in Sondrio province.

The event took place in Valmalenco, Val Bregaglia and Valchiavenna with an interesting  program of events aimed at promoting the geological tourism in these areas.

In this wonderful frame, the economic and cultural resources of these beautiful valleys,  together with their working heritage,  have been duly described.

The program addressed to a diversified target, was planned with different workshops aiming at teaching the ancient art of soapstone and serpentine sculpturing and several guided tours to quarries, mines, historic centers and museums.

The event ended up with a concert  performed by the famous Chorus Sat of Trento  at the Brusada-Ponticelli mine; back to Valmalenco after 18 years and many concerts all over the world, today directed by Mauro Pedrotti.

IMI Fabi was therefore glad to welcome around 200 people at the aforementioned event and proud to host such famous choir at the Chapel of Brusada-Ponticelli Mine.

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