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SPE International 2017
Polyolefins Conference 

The SPE International Polyolefins Conference was held at the Hilton Houston North,   Houston Texas USA from February 26 to March 01 2017. The event, conceived by different sections of SPE, explored current trends in markets, technology and investments.  In details, the program was focused on innovation in: Polyolefins Catalyst, Polyolefin Stabilization and Modifiers,  new computer modeling techniques, sustainability opportunities, polyolefins in automotive and appliance, polyolefins enabling foams and light-weighting and rigid packaging. More than 60 exhibitors and 650  decision makers attended  the conference and complementary activities planned for 2017 edition. IMI Fabi was present being this symposium a great opportunity to showcase new products and services intended to Polyolefins market.Talc as antiblocking in LLDPE  is the technical paper that was displayed during this congress by IMI Fabi. 

Booth 49

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