TEL: (+1) 304 233 0050 | AREA: EMEA | NCSA | JAPAC

HTP1s: a novel talc additive for smart polymer processing 

is mineral powder flowability an issue in your process?
does mineral dust represent a problem in your production?
do you need to feed minerals in a more accurate manner?

In this webinar, a new approach for talc handling will be presented, showing the features of talc HTP1s, a new talc additive engineered both to easily flow in each condition and minimize the dust release during handling.

Talc HTP1s can be easily used in many polymer applications as additive (nucleation or antiblocking) carrier (for additive premix preparation) as direct modifier (to enhance polymer rigidity and dimensional stability), making mineral flow, powder dosing and dust development no longer an issue in your process.

In this webinar, the main features of Talc HTP1s will be showed, highlighting its behavior in handling tests in comparison with other talc products commonly used for existing applications.


- Welcome and introduction
- HTP1s: a novel talc additive for smart polymers
- Q & A
Region/Country Webinar timing (local hours)
JAPAC 02:30 PM (UTC +8; China, Singapore, Western Australia
EMEA  02:00 PM (CEST; UTC +2; Italy, France, Germany)
SOUTH AMERICA 10:30 AM (UTC -3; Brazil, Sao Paulo, Argentina, Uruguay
NORTH AMERICA  11:00 AM (UTC -4; EDT Eastern Daylight time)
Do not  miss to join this exciting  event by registering to the following links: JAPAC, EMEA, SOUTH AMERICA e NORTH AMERICA.

Should you require any further information, do not hesitate to contact us to the following e-mail:
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