European Minerals Days 2017
(Lanzada, Sa' Matta and Uikhoven)
The European Minerals Day, the prominent event dedicated to the world of minerals, celebrates this year 10 years since its first edition.
The associations that have promoted the events over the past decade and the producers, who have supported with enthusiasm these editions, are therefore proud to celebrate this goal together.
The mining industry, by adopting a responsible and transparent communication model has set up a good dialogue with all the stakeholders.
Attendees have increased exponentially over the years; last edition survey registered in fact 30.000 visitors at 200 events and in 27 different countries.
The mining sector is definitely strategic for the global economy, for instance targeted investments enable the development of state-of-the-art and competitive products ready to be positioned in innovative markets, creating therefore exciting careers.
The core message of this Minerals Day 2017 is to convey a philosophy that embraces all the mining industry processes, ranging from mining process itself to the creation of real sustainable city and regions.
We want to highlight that more and more mining companies regularly take on a sustainable footprint by enhancing resource efficiency, innovation, renewable energies, biodiversity, materials recycling, CO2 reduction, low environmental impact product and safety at work, thus positioning also in sectors such as the green-economy.
“A global approach to sustainable economy comes from a well-entrenched corporate culture. IMI Fabi adopts a model that envisions the training of enthusiastic leaders, able to transmit their experience scale to their teams while monitoring each operational processes to achieve the excellence” - says Corrado Fabi, IMI Fabi Group CEO - the supply and distribution chain is optimized through the best networks, by analysing the entire value chain. Glaring examples of this strategy are the recent acquisitions in Brazil and Belgium.
According to the 2050 roadmap set up for the achievement of a low-carbon economy model. IMI Fabi automates processes, implementing further principles of industry 4.0. The group therefore minimize every single waste by monitoring the production and the product life cycle - continues Corrado Fabi – the ultimate challenge for IMI Fabi is to develop innovative products, able to positioning in new markets, for example weight-lighting products employed in plastics or nanominerals employed in the pharmacopoeia ".
IMI Fabi - a leading mining and minerals company, specializing in the production of talc – is pleased to join the Minerals Day in three different locations. The events will be scheduled on September 22nd and 23rd 2017 in Lanzada (SO) at the Brusada-Ponticelli-Valbrutta mine, Orani (NU) at the Sa’ Matta mine and at the Uikhoven plant in Belgium, recent acquisition of the group.
"Recycle & Play" is the title of the event for elementary schools of Torre di Santa Maria (SO) and secondary schools of Uikhoven (BE) on September 22nd (Uikhoven) and September 28th (Torre di S.Maria).
The pupils of the different geographic areas will be involved in the creation of handcrafts representing mining machines with the help of recycled material.
Around 100 children were involved in workshops dedicated to: talc production, product application fields, and sustainability.
On Saturday, September 23, "10 Years Together" event will take place an “open day” at Brusada-Ponticelli-Valbrutta, Lanzada (SO) and Sa 'Matta, Orani (NU) mines and at Uikhoven plant in Belgium, with particular emphasis on best practices adopted at IMI Fabi sites.
IMI Fabi group illustrated to the stakeholders, the growth that IMI Fabi has performed also in terms of sustainable activities during these ten years. Around 225 visitors attended the events.
“The Minerals Day is very important for the Valmalenco; the Brusada-Ponticelli-Valbrutta mine has an ancient tradition for talc mining and processing; this boosted of course the socio-economic development of the territory – asses Marco Negrini, Major of Lanzada.
The Minerals Day, along with other events based on a synergistic cooperation between public bodies and mining companies, helps to spread and enhance geological tourism (by promoting the knowledge of mining heritage).
These initiatives are a concrete opportunities to understand our historical roots. Residents and tourists appreciate, in fact geological tourism as pointed out by the growing numbers of attendees to the mining museum of Bagnada – continues Marco Negrini. For these reasons, Lanzada's municipal administration is truly grateful to IMI Fabi to open the doors to the public the Brusada-Ponticelli-Valbrutta mine, where the precious work of men is now supported by innovative sophisticated machinery”.