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Feeding & Handling

OVER THE YEARS IMI Fabi  has developed a specific range of products for process feeding and handling

In plastic industry talc is extensively used for many purposes related to final mechanical properties, high dimensional stability, superior stiffness- to-impact balance and many others.
Talc can be mixed with other additives (such as stabilizers, lubricants and other polymers modifiers) to extend the dry blend before being dosed in the polymer mixing process (compounding).
Additionally, thanks to its high specific surface and hydrophobic character, talc can be also used as partitioning agent in sticky products such as rubber chips.

The function of talc is to coat stickier particles, improving their flowability and preventing re-agglomeration.
Talc also prevents the moisture intake for hygroscopic components in the blend. In the case of polymer

chips, especially in formulations high in elastomer content, talc prevent the re-agglomeration of granules during storage, especially when the material is exposed to high temperature environment (i.e. during summer time).

IMI Fabi talc grades for partitioning

IMI Fabi has a variety of products suitable for polymer granules partitioning. Thanks to its hydrophobic character and its high specific surface, IMI Fabi talc delivers a perfect coating to sticky granules preventing their re-agglomeration and promoting flowability.

Talc HTP4 or Talc CH2  are the right products for such applications. Talc can also be dispersed on rubber or tacking surfaces by means of talc water slurry, even using fine talc grades for more efficient coating.

 IMI Fabi talc grades for process feeding 

IMI Fabi has developed specific solutions for raw material feeding during plastic processes.
In particular, for the preparation of additive pre-mix where antioxidant, pigments, lubricants and other functional additives are bledled together, talc can be used as extender to improve their dosage, ensuring the proper dosing accuracy.

A product specifically designed for this function is talc HTP1s which is characterized by an exceptional flowability which is characterized by an excepional flowability that allows to replace often polymers in powder forms.  normally used for such function. Thanks to its spherical agglomerates, talc HTP1s flows
in every conditions, minimizing the bridging formation in the additive pre-mix for easy handling and dosing.

IMI Fabi Talc Grade Typical loading (ppm) Example of application
HTP4 0.5-2.0% Partioning/Dusting agent for sticky granules
CH2 0.5-2.0% Partioning agent for rubber
HTP1s Variable Extender for additive dry blends for high flowability
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