TEL: (+1) 304 233 0050 | AREA: EMEA | NCSA | JAPAC

Code of Ethics

IMI Fabi acts in compliance with the principles of legality, loyalty, transparency and independence; therefore its performance level aims at the full satisfaction of its stakeholders. In this regard, IMI published and distributed its own code of ethics in 2011, recently updated.Through advanced technology, continuous monitoring, scheduled maintenance, medical surveillance and specific audits, IMI Fabi synergistically pursues quality, environmental, health, safety and energy saving best practices. Furthermore the company also chooses ethical ore suppliers.

legality, loyalty, traNsparency and indEpendence

The staff recruitment process involves careful selection to identify candidate’s skills and professional qualities. Furthermore, sensitive information is handled in compliance with the strictest confidentiality, for instance gifts can be accepted only within the standard boundaries of courtesy. IMI Fabi  believes that internal audits are important tools for protecting and guaranteeing the company code of ethics. The monitoring system, in fact, involves all the company’s interested parties and must abide by the principles mentioned in the internal control system guidelines, as approved by IMI Fabi ‘s Board of Directors.

IMI Fabi's Code of Ethics can be downloaded by registering to our website in your login area. 
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The IMI Fabi Group is comprised of the following companies: