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Supplier Policy

Suppliers, as a key element in the supply chain, have a big importance in improving company’s sustainable practices.  

First of all IMI Fabi suppliers shall implements the QEHS systems of management, be financially reliable, have a code of conduct, have a solid corporate governance and apply sustainable practices.

During  the selection process, IMI Fabi guarantees integrity, transparency and equal treatment of suppliers. Furthermore they are supposed to respect the company  code of ethics and comply with the general law and regulations.

Finally IMI Fabi is committed to long term supply contracts based on sustainability and mutual respect.

imi fabi is committed to long term supply contracts 

IMI Fabi verifies suppliers’ performances on a regular basis and requires its suppliers to sign the supplier code of conduct, which include social and environmental principles.

As far as possible, a recycling philosophy is pursed in order to return raw materials to suppliers and integrate products and/or services with a low carbon footprint and reduce CO2 emissions.

IMI Fabi  raw materials shall be traceable and respect international standards/regulations.

Our geologists involved in purchasing raw materials are regularly trained to check on the field the correct application of the suppliers' code of conduct.

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