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TALC for Lightweighting 


New vehicles are mostly designed with innovative technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and be therefore in compliance with the stringent requirements currently applied.

In addition to the latest powertrain technologies (i.e.: less pollutant, hybrid, electrical etc.), the vehicle weight reduction is therefore a core to lower CO2 emissions. A lower weight can contribute to reduce the mentioned emissions and alternatively it compensates the extra weight of vehicle safety equipment as well as the presence of large battery packs in hybrid and/or electric vehicles.

Talc can actively contribute to weight reduction strategies when properly used in polymer formulations for automotive. 

In talc modified Polypropylene (PP) and Thermo Plastic Olefins (TPO), lightweighting formulations have basically three different strategies: part density reduction, downgauging and foaming.

LOW  DENSITY - The use of high performing talc in PP/TPO allows to minimize the mineral filling rate by reducing specific gravity with the same final performances. Highly engineered talc such as HVTextra enables to record a visible weight saving when compared to a standard fine talc.
The weight saving can be achieved by lowering the single part thickness and related volume. In this case, stronger (more performing) material has to be used to guarantee the same final performances.

Hence, highly engineered talc such as HVTextra is therefore recommended. Whereas, when demanding impact resistance requirements are needed, ultrafine talc grades such as HVTultraC or new product range NeoFill can be suggested.

FOAMING  - When mechanical performance is less relevant in the final application, the weight reduction can be achieved by creating voids into the final part to make it lighter

In foaming, talc works as a nucleating agent in bubble growth, controlling both the size and the distribution of bubbles. This process is linked to both mineral loading and talc fineness.

Talc is effective in both physical and chemical foaming and it is used either in filled or unfilled resins.

For aesthetic excellent results, especially for interior parts in automotive, talc NSultraC is recommended

IMI Fabi  Talc grade Example of application
HVTextra Density reduction, downgauging
NeoFill, HVTultraC Density reduction, downgauging
NSultraC Foaming

Customer Support

IMI Fabi has an application laboratory dedicated to polymer applications. Our team is keen to assist polymer manufacturers in selecting the most suitable talc grades relevant for their final applications.
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