Safety First & The Environment Day
On May 21st of 2019, IMI Fabi Talco reached the target of 365 days (one year), without accidents.
This objective demonstrates that SAFETY is the highest value for IMI Fabi Talco and related staff.
The company acquired by IMI Fabi on december 2016, always highlights the importance of being facilitators of values concerning health, safety and environment.
At this purpose IMI Fabi Talco S.A. celebrated during a dedicated event this important target and congratulated with the employees for these results.
During the event it was pointed out that that this achievement is possible only through the commitment of every single person with its personal daily devotion in their specific sector.
The main target for IMI Fabi Talco remains ZERO ACCIDENT to ensure an always healthy return to hoME.
Furthermore, another important event was conceived for “The Environment Day” planned on June 05th in which IMI FABI declared its commitment to preserve the Fauna and Flora by donating plant seedling to all the employees and seeding them in the ground.