IMI Fabi S.p.A.implements and maintains the following management systems: ISO 9001:2015 in quality, 14001:2015 in environment, 45001:2018 in safety and 50001:2018 in energy.
The constant care for customer satisfaction, respect for the environment and energy efficiency, safety and workers’ health represent the first and foremost policy targets for IMI FABI.
At the same time, the production processes are developed according to a policy of continuous improvement and maximized efficiency always with full respect for the environment and safety. Quality is insured through the constant control of the entire process.
imi fabi is committed to continuous improvement
Quality of the work environment is constantly monitored and controlled and the staff are periodically trained on dangers, control measures, first aid, and fire emergency practice.
Great importance is given to environmental aspects arising from the talc extraction and processing activities.
Emissions in the atmosphere, water discharges and acoustic or noise pollution are periodically measured in each production site of the group.
The company has committed itself to full compliance with the environmental laws with regards to the handling of industrial waste, and furthermore by choosing processes and solutions that minimize waste production.
Finally, IMI Fabi has recently obtained the ISO 50001: 2018 certification in energy management. This target has been achieved thanks to different projects concerning the reduction of consumption and energy efficiency in themanufacturing sites.