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PRS 2022 

The Plastic Recycling Show, the event designed for companies involved in plastics recycling processes, is this year set at the RAI in Amsterdam from June 22-23, 2022.

Promoted by Crain Communication and PRE, the event focuses on  new sustainable products aligned with the circular economy principles.

During this occasion, a huge audience operating in the recycling supply chain, will meet for networking and doing business.  

This is a special occasion to master new technologies related to new machineries, raw material innovation systems and related services, recycling collection post-consumer, recycled polymers for new applications. The event is the perfect location to analyze new CSR models focused on sustainable development, circular economy, energy efficiency, product innovation and best practice.

IMI Fabi as leading and reliable partner in the production of functional minerals is glad to show its talc range intended to sustainable products, focusing on new technologies in biopolymers  intended to reduce carbon footprint impact in the Product Life Cycle.

Booth # A14
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